testo ViPR – volatile particle remover for sampling and raw gas conditioning according to UNECE R83 and R49
The testo ViPR volatile particle remover is a gas conditioning system for sampling, dilution and conditioning of raw gas for particle determination. It is compliant with the method according to PMP (Particle Measurement Programme) and is characterized by its award-winning technology.
The complete gas conditioning system testo ViPR consists of the testo MD19-3E rotating disk diluter, the testo ASET 15-1 air supply evaporation tube and the testo CU-2 data acquisition unit.
The user-friendly testo ViPR Volatile Particle Remover enables you to achieve optimum results with sampling and raw gas conditioning for particle determination. In combination with a condensation particle counter (CPC), which is available separately, the testo ViPR enables precise measurement of the particle number concentration of solid nanoparticles from vehicle emissions according to UNECE R83 and R49 regulations.
Typical applications
The testo ViPR Volatile Particle Remover is ideally suited for a variety of applications in the automotive sector. In this area, it supports for instance engineers with gas conditioning according to PMP for type approval in accordance with UNECE R83- and R49. In addition, the versatile hardware concept enables the Volatile Particle Remover to offer the flexibility needed in the research and development of exhaust gas after-treatment systems. Furthermore, the testo ViPR provides optimum solutions for separating the volatile fraction in aerosol research.
testo ViPR at a glance
- PMP-compliant gas conditioning system for sampling, dilution and conditioning of raw gas for particle determination
- Consisting of a testo MD19-3E rotating disk diluter, the testo ASET15-1 air supply evaporation tube and the testo CU-2 data acquisition unit
- Measurement of the number concentration of solid nanoparticles from vehicle emissions according to the UNECE R83 and R49 regulations in combination with a condensation particle counter (CPC), which is available separately
- Direct connection to exhaust pipe or CVS dilution tunnel
- Compact and easy to transport
- Easy operation via the digital control unit thanks to dedicated software
testo ViPR Volatile Particle Remover with optional PMP calibration including:
- testo MD19-3E rotating disk diluter with active air supply dilution
- testo ASET15-1 evaporation tube
- testo CU-2 digital control unit
- Country-specific mains power cord and calibration protocol
- PMP calibration
- HEPA filter
- 19-inch housing
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